A Digital Pathway To Financial Inclusion In India

At the beginning of this year, Jharkhand’s ‘Pre metric Scholarship Scam’ came to light. Many poor students were deprived of their scholarships by a nexus of government officials, intermediaries, and banking correspondents. In some cases, the fingerprints of the students were utilised to open Aadhaar enabled bank accounts. The Scam came to light when the …

Navigating through a data-fluent ecosystem

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified organisations’ digital transformation, pushing them to digitise their operations, restructure their business models, facilitate access to data, and work on their workforce’s skill-up-gradation. This data-driven revolution is shifting business analysts’ focus to a plethora of new possibilities, often supporting the efficiency parameters. The development of a Machine Learning program asks …

COVID-19 and Gig Workers: Need to democratize the Gig Economy in India

The Gig economy in India is in a state of conflict at the moment. The Covid-19 the epidemic has hit it hard, with some critics predicting the end of the gig economy (also sometimes referred to as the sharing economy, on-demand economy, mesh economy). Others are more optimistic and feel that with work becoming remote, …

Aarogya Setu App: A Tale of the Complex Challenges of a Rights-Based Regime

At a time when the whole world is grappling with ways to contain the novel coronavirus, the Indian government is pushing its population to download the Aarogya Setu application to strengthen contact tracing and contain the epidemic. Contact tracing applications aim to track COVID-19 cases among citizens and surveillance is one of the key methods …

Long-run Determinants of Sovereign Bond Yields

Keynes’s supposition of short-term interest rates as the key driver of long-term government bond yields is investigated for India, after controlling for various key economic factors. It is seen that long-term interest rates of Indian government bonds are positively associated with the short-term interest rates of Treasury Bills. Higher long-term interest rates on IGBs are …

Time for taxing farm income has arrived

Agriculture is a politically sensitive subject in India. Particularly, any talk on agriculture income tax is a taboo against the backdrop of farmers’ protests, grievances and suicides. So, it was heartening to see the Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian raising the issue last month. The federal think tank Niti Aayog Member Bibek Debroy recently presented …